(David Rubino) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a KOR fanfiction Please send any comments or suggestions to Check for a web page on KOR2:AD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KOR2 : Another Day Episode 2 : Open Door, Enter Mai It was the next morning and already strange things were beginning to happen. I woke up with the worst headache in my life, it throbbed throughout my entire body. I could barely get myself out of bed and dressed. I remember the day before when the soccer ball smashed my head at a speed faster than any person could kick. I reached my hand behind my head and felt the large bump that had formed. I wondered how bad I looked. When I sat in front of the mirror on my dresser, I saw that it was much worse than I thought. My face looked like a ghost, a very sick ghost. I had rings under my eyes and my skin was pale. I couldn't believe that anyone in the world looked worse than I did. Looking outside, I saw plenty of kids hopping off to school, laughing and playing all the way. I silently cursed them for being so happy and high-spirited while I was so weak and depressed. I thought of Mai, the mysterious girl of my dreams, who suddenly became a reality. I wondered how much she thought of me since I couldn't get her out my mind. The pain in my head reminded me of what Miyuki would do if she suspected that I was starting to like Mai. I myself didn't understand why I was becoming this way, why I have this problem. Miyuki was really everything I could want. She was pretty and even nice most of the time, even if she did have a tendency to hurt people. In truth, she had me terrified. I knew that I had better get over my fascination with Mai before Miyuki decided to do something violent. I decided that maybe the best way for me to do it would be to stay home from school. I stood up from the chair and started to undress. There was a knock at my door. Akane walked in like she owned the place. That annoyed me even more about her. With my parents away for the fall, they asked Akane to watch me and keep me out of trouble. As if I couldn't do that myself. I had more control of the Power than she did but she knew how to use it against me. She was much more devious than I could ever be and with my head splitting apart I definitely would not be a match for her. She watched me undress with a casual stare. "What are you doing?" she asked. I moaned once just to let her know how I felt. "I can't go to school. I look and feel horrible." "You have to go! I promised your parents that you wouldn't miss one day, not one. So put your clothes back on and get downstairs. I made your breakfast and it's getting cold as usual." Suddenly, a huge lump beneath my blankets moved. It traveled to the end of the bed and down the side. Jingimi appeared and with a small meow and shot towards the door. How such a fat cat could move so fast was beyond my imagination. "Oh no, you don't!" Akane yelled. She moved to block Jingimi from getting past her. Jingimi froze only feet from Akane. The determination in Akane's face was equally matched by Jingimi who began to paw the ground like a bull. "That food is for Kazuya, not you! You'll have to wait for us to finish." Jingimi still didn't move and the tension in the room grew thick. Akane looked like she was starting to feel the strain. Jingimi leaned back, his fat body poised for the attack. Suddenly, Jingimi sprang up with a meow. Akane leapt forward to grab the cat but was too late as Jingimi's body stepped over her and shot out the door down the stairs. It was a moment I couldn't believe was happening. Akane was on the floor, fuming. I got the feeling that Akane was no match for Jingimi, who would stop at no limit to get food. I slid into bed and pulled the sheets over my head. I would deal with the cruel world tomorrow, after this pounding in my head went away. I winced as Akane yelled at me again. "How could you! Kazuya?" I pretended not to notice but then her voice became soft, almost friendly. "OK, I see how it is. Just stay there then and I'll go bring up your breakfast. You deserve your rest." I couldn't believe Akane finally understood, and she was being so nice about it! I poked a hand out of the sheets and waved her off. I heard her walk out of the room and close the door behind her. It sounded like a slam but that was probably because every noise hurt my head. After a few minutes, the doorbell rung and I heard Akane answer it. I was trying to go back to sleep but wondering who it was kept me slightly awake. It was probably Miyuki since I didn't meet her at the top of the stairs, she must be worried sick and came to help Akane spoil me. After a few moments, there was another knocking at me door. Akane called out to me. "Kazuya, you have a visitor." It must be Miyuki. Who else would come to see me? The door opened and I heard Miyuki step into the room and then the door closed. I froze. Miyuki was in the room alone with me. How could she be so bold? She acted tough but she was never like this, this was something I never expected. I became more tense as the footsteps reached my bed. What was she doing? I spun the other way under the sheets so that I wouldn't be facing her. I felt the sheets being pulled up and her body sliding onto the bed beside me. I couldn't believe it. Miyuki wanted more than just to say hello. I felt so nervous that I didn't know what to do. I leaned more towards running away than anything else. I still couldn't face her. Her hand slid over my shoulder and onto my chest. "Mi.. Miyuki?" I said nervously. I didn't want this. We were only 14 years old and what if Akane walked in. My head pounded even worse. "Kazuya," I heard Miyuki say, but it wasn't Miyuki. It was someone else's voice! If I was nervous before, I was terrified now. I slowly turned towards the stranger who still left her hand on me. My heart felt like it was coming out of my chest. I finally finished turning and looked straight into her face. "Mai!!!" I screamed. She giggled. I fell out of the other side of the bed and jumped up. Suddenly, I realized that I only had my underwear on. I frantically ran around the room reaching for my clothes as Mai stared at me and smiled. "Kazuya," she called out seductively, "come back to bed." She lifted up the blanket and waved me in. I couldn't help but look at her perfect body laying in my bed. Sweat formed on my forehead and I completely froze. This was it, a new girl who must be completely in love with me. What could I possibly do? I froze. I realized that I wasn't even breathing anymore. I just stood there staring at her and I couldn't move any part of my body. My head pounded worse than ever before and my fingers grew numb. Mai just giggled and pulled the sheets away, lowering her feet to the floor. She stood up and began walking towards me. "Kazuya, don't be so shy. You know you really want me and not Miyuki. Admit it." Every step she took towards me I took a step away from her. "No, wait. I don't even know you. I.. I..." I backed up into my dresser and fell over it, papers drifted over my head. I looked up as Mai was reaching a hand down to my face. "Kazuya, don't you want me?" She looked hurt. She began to turn away from me and I saw a tear fall from her eye. Reactively, I reached out and grabbed her hand. At that moment, the spell was broken. Mai's entire body shimmered and began to change before my eyes. In her place stood Akane, who seemed to enjoy every moment. "Akane? Akane!" I stood up and stepped in front of her. "How could you?" Akane giggled and pushed a finger into my forehead. "Hold on, lover boy. I wouldn't have been able to do that to you if the idea wasn't there in the first place. Actually, it was much easier than I thought." She walked to my bed and sat on it, crossing her legs. "What is she to you anyway, Kazuya? What does Miyuki think about it?" Akane looked at me in that way she always did when she knew I was in no position to argue. I decided that maybe it was a better idea to go to school rather than spend time home with Akane. I was in no condition to play any more mind games. ************* I found myself in homeroom, already counting the minutes until I could go home and rest. I didn't even look back at Mai even though I knew I was being rude. After all, she did come and see me yesterday. I just wanted to avoid trouble. Teacher Ishiguro began giving a lesson on history dating back to medieval times. He spoke briefly about the effects of politics, religion, and even romance on structures of kingdoms and empires. As I expected, he delivered it in a way that could not have been more boring. But if I showed any signs of dozing, he would get ready to throw that eraser missile of his and I would have to pay attention. I could feel Ryosuke staring at me and I ignored him as best I could, I was definitely not in the mood for him. I was taking notes and listening closely but still my mind could not stop wandering. My hand drifted to the corner of my paper and scribbled something, almost on its own. It surprised me, and when I finally noticed was I was doing I pulled my hand away and looked. Very simply, the writing spelled out "M A I". Ryosuke noticed my reaction and leaned over to look at what I wrote. I quickly slammed my hand over Mai's name and gave a nervous laugh. Ryosuke gave me a strange look. "Is everything all right, Kazuya?" "Oh sure," I said uncertainly. "Everything is just fine." I laughed again out of habit. Eventually, he looked back to his own desk and I erased Mai's name. It made me more nervous that even though I tried not to think of her she seemed to be more and more on my mind. Her voice, that voice always in my mind. "It's our destiny." It sounded like she was right there whispering it into my ear. I shook my head and got the voice out, my head was still tingling. "Kasuga!" It was my teacher. "Are you having trouble paying attention?" "No, teacher. I think this is very interesting." Teacher Ishiguro lifted an eyebrow. "Is it now? I would think that someone like you would hate any sort of education." He loomed over me, again accusing me of being a problem student. I still couldn't understand why he thought this way. I tried my best to prove otherwise. "No, sir! I really do like to learn, just give me a chance to prove it." Teacher Ishiguro pressed both palms against my desk and began to laugh like some demon out of a story. "Ok, Kasuga, you'll have your chance. I'm giving you a special project related to the class discussion today. Write me an essay discussing the effects of romance on politics, specifically the tale of Romeo and Juliet. You'll have one week to complete and present your findings to the class." Teacher Ishiguro stood up and folded his arms. "I'm assigning two students to assist you." Ryosuke was the only person in the class to raise his arm and wave it around to volunteer. He made noises like he had to go to the bathroom. Teacher Ishiguro looked around the class as if Ryosuke didn't exist. He picked out the first student, a new member to the wrestling team and every girl's dream, Eichi Irigoto. As soon as that was confirmed, every girl in the class jumped up raising their hands to volunteer. They began yelling and shoving each other to get in front of the teacher. The screaming became louder and the teacher actually looked nervous, which was something I thought I'd never see. Teacher Ishiguro lifted up his finger and passed it left and right over the class, every girl swooned when his finger passed over them. But then the finger stopped and the teacher made his choice. "You!" he screamed out. "You will be the third student to assist." The entire class turned to face the chosen student. I followed the finger with the rest of the class to the chosen one and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was Mai Kiyomoto. She nodded firmly and then looked first at Eichi and finally at myself. She nodded once to me and I felt my throat constrict. I spun around and stared forward. I didn't know why I was reacting like this. This was my dream come true and I could not have felt more nervous. The teacher stood in front of me once more. "Kasuga, I expect nothing less than your best effort. Fail me and I will fail you." The teacher ran his thumb across the eraser-missile. "Understand?" "Yes, Teacher Ishiguro!" ********** Homeroom ended with the bell and I gathered up my books to get myself ready for my next class. I turned and almost ran into Mai and Eichi. "Kazuya?" It was that voice, she was speaking to me. I dropped one of my books in shock but before I could reach down to get it Eichi scooped it up and handed it to me. I noticed a few girls whispering and pointing to Eichi as they walked out. "Here you go," Eichi said as he handed the book to me. He leaned over to me and smiled. "Say, Kaza, you don't actually expect me do this assignment, do you?" I guess I couldn't expect much from Eichi. After all, he seemed the type to spend more time driving around throwing things at people then actually doing homework. "Of course, you are!" Mai stood closer to us and right in front of me. "You have to help, it's your assignment too." Having Mai so close to me was unlike any other feeling I've ever had. I couldn't help but look down at her shapely figure. All it would take is just one step and Mai would be completely in my arms. Just one step... Suddenly, Eichi stepped around her and stood between us again. I jumped back in surprise as just a second ago I was looking upon such a beautiful figure and now I was facing the youngest boy who shaved. "Of course, I'm not!" he said to my face and then to Mai. "This is his problem, he should do the work. I don't have the time to study. That is, unless you want to spend a little extra time with me after school. I know a personal place we can I mean study." Eichi's expression grew forceful and lecherous, he took a step towards Mai. Some girls who stayed behind looked at Mai like they were jealous and wished to be in her shoes. Mai stepped away and slapped Eichi's groping hands aside. "Drop dead, I don't want you." She stared at Eichi angrily and refused to look away. This just enraged a person who probably never heard a girl say no. "Oh no, you don't," Eichi took another step towards her. "I think you do want me." This was a bad situation, nobody here would help Mai and the teacher was nowhere to be found. I had to do something. I couldn't just let this guy treat Mai like this, not when I had the Power. I acted without thinking. "Leave her alone!" I grabbed the back of Eichi's shirt and pulled. Using the Power, it wasn't hard to drag him back five feet away from Mai. He spun around and grabbed my shirt. Having him this close was a little scary but I knew that with the Power I was protected. His lifted his fist back and I smiled. Just then, Miyuki appeared in the doorway. "Kazuya!" Surprised, I turned my head to her and lost my concentration. A huge fist plowed into my face and knocked me into the ground. The shock took my breath away from me and Eichi stood over me, laughing. He lifted his foot to give another blow. This was definitely the worst, getting beat up in front of both girls I like. Miyuki almost flew across the room into Eichi, planting a foot into his ribs. His body crumpled but that wasn't enough for Miyuki. She grabbed him from behind and proceed to snap his body over her into the ground. Mai ran over to me while Miyuki took out her frustration on Eichi. "Are you alright, Kazuya?" I only managed to moan once as Mai helped me to my feet. Being aware that she was touching me brought me to my senses quickly. We watched as Miyuki dragged what was left of Eichi in front of us. She had that killer stare that I would never want to see directed at myself. "Now what do you say, Mr. Idiot?" Eichi just drooled from his swollen face and somehow managed an apology. It was horrible. Miyuki dropped Eichi and jumped into my arms. "Are you alright, Kazuya? I was so worried." "That was so cool!" Mai exclaimed as Miyuki held me up. "The way you handled him. You're so strong!" Miyuki held her head a little higher. "That's what happens when anyone messes with my Kazuya," she announced proudly. I felt strange holding Miyuki in front of Mai, but in a way I was a little relieved that this would finally prevent me from ever trying to cheat on Miyuki. Mai would know that I was already taken even though I was the one really interested in her. "I wish I had a boyfriend that would protect me like you," Mai said to Miyuki. And then to me, "You're so lucky." I couldn't help but stare at Mai. It was like a confusing battle inside of me. Look, don't look. I knew that Miyuki noticed but I couldn't help myself. "Kazuya is mine." Miyuki gave me a warning squeeze. It really hurt. "Isn't that right, boyfriend?" Mai interrupted and grabbed Miyuki's hand. "Can we have lunch together? I would just love to know you better." Miyuki brightened up and grabbed Mai's other hand. "Oh, sure! I would love the company, Kazuya just eats and never talks to me anyway." They began walking to the door with each other, both ignoring me. I tried to say something but it just came as a sputter. Mai looked back and noticed me standing there. She touched Miyuki's shoulder and pointed to me, Miyuki turned around and waved. "Come on, Kazuya! I'm sorry, we almost forgot you." I ran to catch up with them and we ate lunch together. ********* Miyuki met me after school was over and we started the walk home together. The sun shone red in the sky as it showed first signs of beginning to lower into the sky. It cast a copper shadow over Miyuki and she looked even more pretty than before. I thought back to today when she took care of Eichi because she was worried for me, it felt good to have someone care that much. I felt very lucky at that moment. But then I thought of Mai. She had a penetrating stare that made you feel her blue eyes were staring right through you. What little I knew about her fascinated me. She seemed to take an interest in me but then again, maybe that was just my imagination. I still thought about that dream I had about her. It felt as if she was going to be involved in my life if I wanted it or not. The idea didn't seem to bad. "Mai is such a nice girl," Miyuki said to me. I jumped at Mai's name. I thought for a second that Miyuki was guessing my thoughts again, but I was wrong. She continued on, "We're in the same Mathematics class together and we're going to do homework together. She wants to be my study partner." "Oh, that's nice," I said. I didn't really know what else to say. I felt uncomfortable talking about Mai with Miyuki. It felt almost wrong. "It would be nice to have another friend. She's so different from everyone else, but I like that." In a way, I could agree with her. Somewhere inside I felt that she was going to be very different... At the top of the hundred steps I waved goodbye to Miyuki and began to walk down the stairs, pondering over how Miyuki felt about Mai. If she was to be friends with Mai than I would see both of them, both girls that I felt something for. What a situation! I decided not to think about it anymore. I swung my school bag over my shoulder and skipped down the stairs faster than before. At the landing on the bottom, I dug in my heels and prepared to run the rest of the way to my home. I was stopped by a voice. "Kazuya." I almost fell over with the surprise but managed to somehow keep my balance and turned to the source of the voice. "Mai." She was leaning against the wall. Her bag settled on the ground as she walked towards me. "What are you doing here?" "I.. I had to ask you something." My heart started to beat a little faster as she got closer. "I was wondering..." For some reason, she didn't look like that sweet girl that was so awestruck with Miyuki. There was a certain confidence that made her different. Maybe this was the Mai of my dreams, and yet maybe that wasn't a good thing. "I was wondering when we were going to study for our assignment together. After all, we only have a week to finish it and I don't think Eichi is going to be any help." She giggled. So that was it, just a homework date. And for some reason, I thought it was for something more. "I don't know. When is good for you?" I tried to sound casual about it but I'm sure it came out in that usual blundering way that marked the Kasuga tradition but she giggled again after I said it. "How about today? In an hour?" A thought shot through my head of us alone in my room together, and Miyuki throwing the door open with that killer stare. "Where do you want to study?" I asked hesitantly. "In the library, silly! Where else could we study?" She looked at me in that way again that made me think she understood more than I asked. "The library is great," I said. "I'll see you in an hour." She walked back to her school bag and grabbed it. "Bring Miyuki if you want." Mai shot me a smile and ran up the stairs as I stood there like an idiot waving at her. I turned and started walking towards my house. I really did feel like an idiot because I already knew at that moment that I was going to meet Mai at the library, and I was going to meet her alone. My mind wandered. Suddenly, Miyuki was a very distant thought, and Mai was there, standing in front of me. I had a feeling that in only one hour from now, my life was going to be very different. - End of Episode 2 -